Sermons (Page 63)

Absolute Justice

People have always been concerned with (obsessed with?) justice. The dispensing of Justice can reassure, calm and comfort. God’s Justice is dispensed many times throughout the bible. But God’s idea of justice is not the people’s idea of justice. Jesus told the people that God’s justice is not based on others, but ourselves. This can…

Blessed Is He!

Drama in the house. Today’s Gospel brings drama – during Jesus’ travel to Jerusalem. The Pharisees were trying to warn him – or so it seems? While they warned him of Hero’s threat – there is something more threatening than Herod – the people’s rebelliousness. As Jesus ministered to the people so long ago, He…

Big Things with Small Stuff

Solitary confinement can demoralize and cause man to question his sanity, slow and insidious, bit by bit. But there are also prisons for many, with similar effect… The Israelites came from Canaan to Egypt. After a few centuries they had fallen from their former status. Their decline was slow and insidious. They could not leave…

Distinctly Christian

History is filled with conflict from the Old Testament up through present times. Conflict can cause problems but it can cause progress as well. Joseph’s story in the Old Testament was full of conflict. As he was in conflict with his brothers, this led to his separation from them and being sold into slavery, and…

Blessing and Woes

The Beatitudes seem to present a challenge to life – where being poor is a both challenge and a blessing. The poor are lifted up as inheritors of the Kingdom of God, and the rich will be sent away hungry. How can we keep from a reliance on status or resources to make room for…