We had a GREAT TIME in our 2024 Vacation Bible School!
Thank you to everyone who joined us this year.
Be sure to mark your 2025 calendar for Blessed Savior Lutheran Church VBS!!!
Online sign up will be available in April 2025!!!
(Note: Space ALWAYS fills up fast – sign up soon to confirm your spot!!!)
Save the Date – June 9th through 13th, 2025
Time: 5:30-8:30 pm
For Ages 3½ Thru Fifth Grade
All Aboard for this three hour adventure, every year it gets better and better! So please get the word out and invite all the kids you know!!!
There are so many great benefits to our Vacation Bible School and here is a list of the BEST reasons why you need to come and join in the fun!!!
- VBS is FREE!!!
- Kids will make new friends
- Dinner is provided to the kids for FREE
- Kids will be in a POSITIVE Environment
- We’ll be learning about Jesus, a faithful friend we can always trust.
“Finding your way in a world gone wild!”
- Kids will experience All-Star Games, Imagination Stations, Incredible Music and much much more!!
If you have any questions please contact the church office, or send us an email!
To volunteer and help make this a rolling success, please sign up here
Thank you and God Bless,
BSLC Youth Board Committee