Sermons (Page 64)

The Man in Full

When John baptized Jesus, the crowds thought John was the Christ the Messiah but they were wrong. John was not ‘the man in full’ that had been prophesied. Jesus was different. Jesus brought not fear but acceptance, awe and wonder. What does it take for us today to become men and women in full? To have…

The Second Proclamation

The second proclamation was when Mary & Joseph took Jesus to the temple to be dedicated to God. Here, Simeon saw the infant child that had been foretold to him – this was a sign of God’s love. Today Christ is still that sign – but we in our sin are opposed to him. As…

Business as Usual

The birth of Jesus was both ‘miraculous’ and ‘business as usual.’ While it only received mention in two of the Gospels, it was business as usual for God–His business of forgiving people from their sins. Let’s listen to hear what was so miraculous and revolutionary about the birth of a small child in Bethlehem so…


A hard question to answer sometimes… When the city of Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians, people asked why… When we face hardships today, we ask why… We don’t always get an answer but we do have the promise of a Savior – one would come to crush the serpents head. Jesus came, and as we…

True Joy

John the Baptist was full of joy. He was active proclaiming the word and preparing the way for Jesus. While the coming of Jesus brought his people joy, today’s gospel brought a dissonance. John shone a light on the misdeeds of the day, and this caused his imprisonment and death. During his ministry, John had…