We thank Rev Perry Schefelker for bringing us today’s message.
The apostle Paul worked to become all things to all people to reach everyone about Jesus. But does acceptance mean accepting destructive and sinful behaviors? It does not. While each was one of God’s children, he met them where they were and encouraged all to turn away from sin. Meeting people where they were (and…
We are all different in our gifts – but we are all blessed by the gifts of the Spirit. As we ponder this, we wonder: What does it mean to be a Christian? Join Pastor Vern as he examines how the many unique gifts we are blessed with empower us as Christians and enable us…
Thank you for joining us on our country’s 245th birthday! As we reflect on the strength of our nation, let’s reflect also on the strength of our people, the strength of our faith, and the strength of our Lord and the salvation He provides for those who believe.
With all the information available at the click of a mouse – so much data, so many charts and so much knowledge – we may think ourselves well informed and wise. This knowledge is changing and shifting, and we struggle to keep up. But all the world’s knowledge is folly compared to the foolishness of…
Join us at 9:30AM for our Facebook Live streaming service
Join us for Part II of Paul’s message on love. While it was originally written to the Church at Corinth, we will see it is also full of meaning and hope for us today!
We know Chapter 13 of I Corinthians as a fixture in wedding ceremonies. But it is so much more! Starting as words were penned to a New Testament church that did not measure up to the standard. Where does this passage leave us today when we do not measure up? It’s a difficult passage to…
INVOCATION & CALL TO WORSHIP (Based on Job 19:23–27) L: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. C: Amen. L: Oh, that my words were recorded, that they were written on a scroll, C: That they were inscribed with an iron tool on lead, or engraved…
When we think of stewardship, we tend to think of the traditional means and methods of stewardship. But can we rethink this and take stewardship to the next level? Can we be stewards of time and talent all our blessings, not just the material ones? We are all members of the Body of Christ. All…