Sermons (Page 62)

Could It Be True?

When the two women reported the news of an empty tomb, they were not believed at first. They were perplexed, and no one remembered His words. Resurrection is perplexing! Today, as we celebrate our Lord’s resurrection, let us remember what He has taught and carry His truth in our hearts each and every day!

Agnus Dei

As we consider the events of Good Friday, we reflect on the events of Christ’s crucifixion as the Lamb of God presented through art. These two images accompany tonight’s sermon: Agnus Dei by Francisco de Zurbaran St Cecilia by Stefano Maderno


When God’s people rebelled in the Old Testament, God should have cut them off  ΜΆ  but He didn’t!  What was His plan for Israel, what is His plan for us, and how can we have access to God’s Grace today?

A King’s Ransom

On this Palm Sunday, we remember the concept of a king’s ransom, of paying an enormous price to save a life. But Jesus had no ransom charged. As had been foretold, no one paid, no one even stepped forward to help. As we reflect on the events of that Holy Week so long ago, we…

Lenten Praise?

Are there reasons for praise in the Lenten season? Yes! As we remember the 40 days of Lent do not count each Sunday, for Sunday are kept as a day of praise. May we give thanks to the Lord this day and every day for his bounteous gifts and boundless love!