Sermons (Page 61)

Big Things with Small Stuff

Solitary confinement can demoralize and cause man to question his sanity, slow and insidious, bit by bit. But there are also prisons for many, with similar effect… The Israelites came from Canaan to Egypt. After a few centuries they had fallen from their former status. Their decline was slow and insidious. They could not leave…

Distinctly Christian

History is filled with conflict from the Old Testament up through present times. Conflict can cause problems but it can cause progress as well. Joseph’s story in the Old Testament was full of conflict. As he was in conflict with his brothers, this led to his separation from them and being sold into slavery, and…

Blessing and Woes

The Beatitudes seem to present a challenge to life – where being poor is a both challenge and a blessing. The poor are lifted up as inheritors of the Kingdom of God, and the rich will be sent away hungry. How can we keep from a reliance on status or resources to make room for…

The Man in Full

When John baptized Jesus, the crowds thought John was the Christ the Messiah but they were wrong. John was not ‘the man in full’ that had been prophesied. Jesus was different. Jesus brought not fear but acceptance, awe and wonder. What does it take for us today to become men and women in full? To have…

The Second Proclamation

The second proclamation was when Mary & Joseph took Jesus to the temple to be dedicated to God. Here, Simeon saw the infant child that had been foretold to him – this was a sign of God’s love. Today Christ is still that sign – but we in our sin are opposed to him. As…