Sermons (Page 70)

The Gospel In Seven Words

As we gather for Ash Wednesday, we will examine our theme – “The Gospel In Seven Words”. Imagine you have the opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Could you share it quickly and clearly? Try to present it in just seven words. Throughout our Lenten Season, we will develop our testimony to be…

Listen to Him!

When Peter, James, and John climbed the mountain with Jesus, the disciples saw Him as He truly was – as the Son of God standing with Moses and Elijah, dazzling in brightness. When God spoke, he simply said, “Listen to Him!” Jesus later asks them if they have been paying attention. There is a difference…

Heaven’s Secret Weapon

Mark’s gospel documents Jesus bringing healing and good news in the face of the forces of evil. After a very full day, Jesus felt overwhelmed. What next? Jesus went off to pray. He made time for prayer. Are you feeling overwhelmed? It can be difficult in our busy lives to make time for prayer–but if…

Teaching with Authority

Remember getting ready for the first day of school… thinking about what kind of teacher we would want? A teacher who knows their stuff, and teaches with authority! Jesus cast out demons with authority–this made the disciples’ first day of school exciting! May we be filled with this same excitement for His word and His…

Go Fish!

Ever played go fish? Holding on to your cards is the goal. You don’t know what you’ll get in the card game – skill patience and faith are required. Jesus asked the disciples to fishing for people instead of fish–what a concept! Simon Peter and Andrew left their boats to fish for people. They did…

what Simeon saw

When Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple to be presented to the Lord, Simeon praised God. Simeon saw not just a newborn baby, but also the comforter of Israel, the Light of the world, and the Savior of all mankind. He is the Rock our salvation is built on. We wish you and…

The Word Made Flesh

The Word of God is powerful, it can heal the sick, cast out demons, and even forgive sins. Small words can have a huge effect, like the word made flesh. Jesus came down to us that Christmas night so long ago and brought life and hope! We hope you and your family have a blessed…