Sermons (Page 69)

Who Is That Man?

“Who Is That Man?” This question was asked many times through Jesus’ ministry. During the weeks and days leading up to His crucifixion and death, only one person got the answer right – the Roman centurion observing His death and the curtain in the temple being torn from top to bottom. The centurion was able…

Let Us Ever Walk With Jesus

Taking a walk is a natural and rewarding activity. Walking in The Way with Jesus can help our mindset. The Passion story reminds us of the events of Jesus’ last week on earth, of His walk to His trial, crucifixion, and resurrection. Jesus was obedient as the terrain changed, changing to the point of death,…

The Gospel in Your Words

When Peter was confronted between Palm Sunday and the Crucifixion, he had several chances to share his faith – but he did not. His testimony did not communicate the Gospel of our Lord. When we have opportunities to share our faith, what do we say? What will you say? Always have a reason for the…

Dramatic Israel

When God had freed Israel from slavery, they wandered for 40 years. During their physical travels, they wandered spritually as well. Like a dramatic teenager, they distrusted God, and lost their faith. God sent snakes, and Israel was bitten by the consequenses of their actions. In the same way, we can be bitten by the…

I Need A Sign!

What does the ten commandments and Jesus driving the merchants out of the temple have in common? They were signs from God that held meaning then and still hold meaning and hope for us today. At that time, the Jews asked Jesus by what sign did you did these things? Three years later, the disciples…

Captivity & Freedom

Captivity is mentioned in the bible, Israel was captive in Egypt. And many of the apostles were held captive during their service to our Lord. Today we enjoy freedom, but are we free? Or are we captive to greed, lust, envy or revenge? Are we captive in other ways? These are more insidious, and can…