On this Palm Sunday, we look at this pivotal week of Jesus ministry as Holy Week begins. Join us Thursday and Friday at 7PM, and come celebrate our Lord’s resurrection on Sunday, March 31st at 9:30. Our Guest Pastor this week is Rev Peter Kirby
With all the blessings we are given, what are we thankful for? Like our kids sometimes we need a little help to be reminded. Psalm 103 gives us a wonderful example. As we reflect this Thanksgiving weekend, let us forget not all his benefits. They are worth our highest praise and thanksgiving.
We all have memorable experiences some good some bad. Are there troubles that hold us back so we cannot move on to the next part of our lives? How can we, like Paul, put those not-so-memorable experiences behind us and look forward to what is ahead?
Peak performers are visualizers. Paul asks us to visualize with the end in mind. Knowing that God is working for good in all things, we can see, we can feel and we can experience His arrival. May we let God work through us as we prepare…
Palm Sunday April 05, 2020 WELCOME/ANNOUNCEMENTS “Welcome! To our online guests today. We are happy that you are joining us to worship Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords! We look forward to the day when we can meet you face to face. 1. As you know, the Order to Shelter in Place…
Kenosis – the process of Jesus emptying Himself shows us the lengths Christ would go to in order to bring salvation to us. As we reflect on these events – from His entry into Jerusalem, His crucifixion and death, to His glorious Resurrection, may we also enter into His humble mindset.
In 60 A.D., Paul wrote to the Philippians from his cell in Rome. In spite of the harsh conditions he wrote not in despair but with a thankful heart. His last words were how to respond with thankfulness to the promises of God. What are we thankful for today? As we gather with family and…
Taking a walk is a natural and rewarding activity. Walking in The Way with Jesus can help our mindset. The Passion story reminds us of the events of Jesus’ last week on earth, of His walk to His trial, crucifixion, and resurrection. Jesus was obedient as the terrain changed, changing to the point of death,…
The apostle Paul was thankful in all things – from the lows of trials & tribulations to the highest highs. What can we learn from Paul’s faith journey to keep with us on our daily walk? Help us to give thanks in everything and may we, too, be “filled with gratitude”. Our family at Blessed…
What’s involved in being a disciple? Renouncing all that we have? It’s tough! How can we avoid failure? Jesus gives us hope that we can follow Him in spite of our human frailties. Let’s listen. We welcome our guest pastor this week, Pastor Gary Byers, Pastor Emeritus at Zion Lutheran Church, Belleville IL