Sermons on John (Page 6)

Peace Be With You

The Peace that passes all understanding was won by our Lord for His disciples, and for all of God’s people… including us. Thanks be to God! What does His Peace mean for us today? How can we reach out, open our hearts, and obtain this Peace – the Peace of God? Let’s listen.

You Shall See Greater Things!

When Nathanael met Jesus face to face, he was not expecting an epiphany.  Yet Jesus knew him, and before Phillip called him, Jesus had seen Nathanael under the fig tree. As we are resting under our own personal fig trees today, He knows us and has great things in store for us, both now and…

Welcoming Christ

God walked among us full of grace and truth. He came to his own; but his own people did not receive him. As we ponder the message and meaning of Christ’s birth, we ask ourselves, will we receive him today and welcome him into our lives? Will we give him our heart? We at Blessed…

Who is the King of Glory?

The King of Glory comes, the nations rejoicing, who is this King of Glory? John the Baptist came out of the wilderness, bringing people down to the Jordan river to be baptized. But he was not this King of Glory. Who then, was the King of Glory? Join us as Pastor Matt explores the foretelling…