Sermons on John (Page 4)

Living in two kingdoms

As we celebrate our freedoms in the great nation on the 4th of July, may we also me mindful of the freedoms and the blessings we enjoy as Children of God. The freedom to speak the Lord’s word, isn’t always well received due to the ongoing spiritual warfare. Paul understood we as Christians are living…

Where’s The Fire?

It was a five-Alarm fire, and nothing could put it out. The fire of Pentecost, the fire of the church God loved, has been burning for over 2,000 years. But what of today? Let’s listen to the ways the Holy Spirit come to us even now – not in fireworks but in the reassurance of…

Two Parades

A Parade to the Cross

Palm Sunday, AD 33, was a perfect day for a parade. Sunny and warmer as the pilgrims began to flow into Jerusalem for the Passover feast. Believers and unbelievers alike gathered for the parade on Palm Sunday – but this was just the beginning. The Parade continued – to Gethsemane, His trial before Pilate, the…