We are slaves to sin – that is our human nature. Paul struggled in his ministry, and when Jesus directed the pharisees: “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone” even they acknowledged their sinful nature. Jesus did not condemn the woman at the well – nor does He condemn us today. He…
Join us at 9:30AM to celebrate our Lord’s Resurrection on our Facebook Live streaming service. (Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost)
On Reformation Sunday, we take a look back to the time of the Reformation and Martin Luther’s work to bring back the fundamentals of our relationship with God. This hymn provides insight to Luther’s thoughts during that time and helps us today as we ask the Lord to keep us steadfast in His Word.
Join us at 9:30AM for our Facebook Live streaming service.
On Reformation Sunday, we take time to reflect on the truth – not only earthly elusive truths, but the truth brought by Jesus, the Truth that will set us free! Let’s listen…
Join us at 9:30AM for our Facebook Live streaming service.
On Reformation Sunday, we look back at the events leading up to Luther’s search for truth in worship of Our Lord, and the tribulations leading to Luther’s penning of the Hymn “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”. Even today, it brings comfort and strength to Christians the world over as we worship and praise our…
In a spiritual vision exam, what would we focus on? How can we focus on things we cannot see – on things we have never known. Martin Luther realized that he must focus on Christ Alone – and his clarity and focus brought about the Reformation. How can we achieve this focus in our daily…