Something about winning that causes people to rejoice in song. David attributed his success and victories to God and in the Psalms he exhorted others to sing and make a joyful noise to the Lord. David called to Israel to sing to the Lord. May we too sing out in thanksgiving for his many provisions…
‘The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; this was the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes’ (Psalms 118:22)
On Life Sunday, we stop to consider the worth of a life. Jesus’ life teaches us the value of each of our lives, and to value the lives of others as our own. When we feel otherwise, we need to remember that each of us is special in God’s eyes – we are precious children…
What do we worry about? Joshua worried, and he struggled to find courage as he led the Israelites into the promised land. Joshua found Godly courage. God’s courage can continue to inspire us today if we are ready for His call…
Why do we give thanks to God on this Thanksgiving Day? Has anyone asked why you thank God on this day? And when asked, what would you say? In Psalm 100, the psalmist gives us five wonderful reasons to be thankful this day and every other. We here at Blessed Savior pray that you and…
On Reformation Sunday, we look back at the events leading up to Luther’s search for truth in worship of Our Lord, and the tribulations leading to Luther’s penning of the Hymn “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”. Even today, it brings comfort and strength to Christians the world over as we worship and praise our…
Why did Israel suffer when the countries around them thrive? When the Lord directed patience, then as now, it was (and can be) exhausting. How can we learn and apply His patience to our lives today? How can we remain steadfast?
How is God real and present for us today? We look for this in the scriptures and in His Love for us. Let’s listen in to see how we can take heart in His words, actions, and love for us as we apply them to our lives today!
499 years ago, Martin Luther started a discussion that has continued to this day. His work to return the Church to the Word of God made a lasting impact, and his translation of the Bible made God’s Word available for all. His Word is a mighty fortress filled with surprises and grace. Let’s listen.