Sermons on Pentecost (Page 23)

Upon This Mountain

When Jesus cast out the demons from the man who had been possessed. The man wanted to stay with Jesus. Instead, Jesus sent the man back and told him to go and proclaim all that Jesus had done for him. May we today rejoice in His cleansing power, and may we also go out with…

Living in Pentecost

Pentecost was an extraordinary day. When the disciples were able to communicate to others ‘each in their own language’ it was a unique event.  Since that time, ‘Pentecostal’ has been at times both a noun and an adjective. Today we discuss how can we keep the energy of Pentecost with us every day – to…

Why Thanksgiving?

In 60 A.D., Paul wrote to the Philippians from his cell in Rome. In spite of the harsh conditions he wrote not in despair but with a thankful heart. His last words were how to respond with thankfulness to the promises of God. What are we thankful for today? As we gather with family and…

Be On Your Guard

Following Jesus’ actions in the temple, he tells us of the destruction of the temple in the future. When will all this happen? What will be the signs? We continue to wonder when He will come back even to this day. While we wait for Him, what should we be looking for?

Good Enough

What is good enough? When the Israelites sacrificed to God for their sins, this was always a concern. When God sent His Son to earth, Jesus became the sacrifice for all the world. When the curtain in the temple was ripped in two, the scriptures were fulfilled as He removed the separation between God and…