Sermons (Page 83)

A Question of Cost

Our Readers’ Theater for Ash Wednesday looks in on Zaccheus, Matthew, and Judas in the days prior to Holy Week. Let’s listen as Pastor Vern introduces our theme for the Lenten Season: Questioned for Christ. Special thanks to our cast members tonight: Rich Williams, Ed Brandmeyer, John Lundeby, Gus Williams, and Curtis Kuppler.

Listen to Him!

There are so many things we can listen to in today’s culture. The presidential debates, the Super Bowl commercials, and the 50th anniversary of the Super Bowl. As we prepare for Lent, let us celebrate the almost 2000th anniversary of the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ. As God commanded on that hilltop so long ago, let…

The Hometown Kid

When Jesus read the scripture in the temple in his hometown of Nazareth, he was not well received in his hometown. They were expecting something else and someone else. But he was sent for all, both Jew and Gentile. For all of us! Let’s listen…                    …

Looking for the Light

God brought the light and separated the light from the darkness so many years ago. We still face darkness today that can take many different forms. When we are in need, help us to remember there is still light for us, the light of Christ. We at Blessed Savior are blessed to be able to…