Sermons (Page 82)

A Question of Authority

Our Readers’ Theater for tonight looks in on the disciple John during the times of Holy Week. Let’s listen as we continue our series for the Lenten Season: Questioned for Christ. Special thanks to our cast members tonight: Ed Brandmeyer, Mike Bradfield, and Nic Kjosa.

A Question Of Sacrifice

Our Readers’ Theater for tonight looks in on Barabbas during the times leading up to Holy Week. Let’s listen as we continue our series for the Lenten Season: Questioned for Christ. Special thanks to our cast members tonight: Ed Brandmeyer, Mike Bradfield, and Paul Kempton.


As the ragman in our video clip trades new rags for old, Jesus in the great exchange takes on our rags of sin and transforms us. He makes us a new creation. Let’s listen. (note: video is available for viewing at church)

A Question of Innocence

Our Readers’ Theater for tonight looks in on Mary Magdalene during the times leading up to Holy Week. Let’s listen as we continue our series for the Lenten Season: Questioned for Christ. Special thanks to our cast members tonight: Ed Brandmeyer, Mike Bradfield, Marty Lintvedt, and John Lundeby.

A Question of Conviction

Our Readers’ Theater for tonight looks in on Nicodemus after his evening encounter with our Lord. Let’s listen as we continue our series for the Lenten Season: Questioned for Christ. Special thanks to our cast members tonight: Rich Williams, Ed Brandmeyer, and Eric Stake.

A Question Of Priorities

Our Readers’ Theater for tonight looks in on Mary, sister of Martha & Lazarus in the days prior to Holy Week. Let’s listen as we continue our series for the Lenten Season: Questioned for Christ. (note: drama will be loaded shortly) Special thanks to our cast members tonight: Rich Williams, Ed Brandmeyer, and Kristen Lintvedt.


Stones into bread?

The devil tempted Jesus in the wilderness, suggesting that God had forgot Jesus during his 40 days. Did God forget Jesus during the 40 days? No, He did not forget Him then, and He does not forget us today. Help us as we face today’s temptations, to listen to God’s word, and not our own……