Sermons (Page 45)

Cost of Discipleship

There was a man lived in a trying time. He devoted himself in service to God, imploring the church to maintain their faithfulness in spite of all that was going on. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was such a man, and this was his Cost of Discipleship. When Jesus called the Disciples, they left everything to follow Him.…

You Shall See Greater Things!

When Nathanael met Jesus face to face, he was not expecting an epiphany.  Yet Jesus knew him, and before Phillip called him, Jesus had seen Nathanael under the fig tree. As we are resting under our own personal fig trees today, He knows us and has great things in store for us, both now and…

Baptism (In)Justice

True justice means wrongs are called out and made right. Wasn’t Christ supposed to bring justice? On Judgement Day. Will justice will finally be served? What is the justice of baptism? Or is it an injustice? We deserve eternal punishment, but that’s not what we receive. Jesus is our substitute for our sin and misdeeds.…

A Law To Himself

Ceremonial Laws served many purposes in the Old Testament, including health and well being of Israel. And so it was at the time of Christ’s birth. Simeon came to the temple to see the Christ Child, and he proclaimed Jesus as the fulfillment of the Law. As we enter 2021, may we also continue to…