Sermons on John (Page 9)

Abiding In The Vine

Where there is a vine, there is a vinedresser. He prunes, keeping the productive vines and pruning the withered branches. We should strive to abide in the vine if we are to hear fruit and be productive for Him. Taking away those unproductive areas of our life, pruning it back and making us better. Helping…

Jesus Isn’t Done Yet!

As the shepherd comes to the sheep, Jesus, the Good Shepherd, comes to us as the Messiah. As anticipated by the prophets of old, He entered by the door, and He laid down His life for the sheep. Jesus came to shepherd His one flock and He is not done yet! He is still at…


Have you ever said something, and the listener heard something completely different? Poor communication has been with us for centuries. The word ‘Fellowship’ (from the original Greek Koinonia) can be misconstrued as well. It meant gathering as friends but also to hold something in common. Thomas’ disbelief put a damper on the fellowship of the…

The Word Made Flesh

The Word of God is powerful, it can heal the sick, cast out demons, and even forgive sins. Small words can have a huge effect, like the word made flesh. Jesus came down to us that Christmas night so long ago and brought life and hope! We hope you and your family have a blessed…

Sheltered by the Shepherd

Who holds authority over us? A boss, a spouse, a baby? Jesus came to earth as a baby, yet He held authority then and now. The authority of Christ over his flock is clear, as the Good Shepherd He laid down His life, was resurrected and continues to watch over His flock today! We pray…

Behold, the Lamb of God!

Our families have many traditions as we celebrate Christmas. The festival of Passover was a tradition for the early Jews. While it celebrated the freeing of the Israelites from slavery, it also foreshadowed the arrival of our Lord Jesus, the Lamb of God. May we not focus only Christ the tiny baby but also Christ…

that we may be one!

When Jesus said His last final goodbye, John 17 captured this prayer, a prayer for who and what mattered most to Him:      “May God’s people be one!” Today, we sometimes pull back and exist in isolation. May we strive to be one, to overlook our differences, and tear down those barriers. Lord, help us…