Sermons on John (Page 11)

The Good Shepherd

“If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly!” The people of Jesus’ time were looking for more proof. But they already had all the proof they needed, they lacked the faith. Lord, may we have faith in our Good Shepherd, that we may believe and follow You!

Turning Enemies into Friends

Enemies are someone or something you do battle with. A person, an addiction, a behavior you fight with all the time. All sin makes us enemies with God. How can we be reconciled and put an end to hostility? Jesus gave his life for us so we may also be reconciled.

A Question of Conviction

Our Readers’ Theater for tonight looks in on Nicodemus after his evening encounter with our Lord. Let’s listen as we continue our series for the Lenten Season: Questioned for Christ. Special thanks to our cast members tonight: Rich Williams, Ed Brandmeyer, and Eric Stake.

A Question of Cost

Our Readers’ Theater for Ash Wednesday looks in on Zaccheus, Matthew, and Judas in the days prior to Holy Week. Let’s listen as Pastor Vern introduces our theme for the Lenten Season: Questioned for Christ. Special thanks to our cast members tonight: Rich Williams, Ed Brandmeyer, John Lundeby, Gus Williams, and Curtis Kuppler.

Looking for the Light

God brought the light and separated the light from the darkness so many years ago. We still face darkness today that can take many different forms. When we are in need, help us to remember there is still light for us, the light of Christ. We at Blessed Savior are blessed to be able to…