Sermons on John (Page 11)

God becomes man

J.S. Bach has been considered the “fifth evangelist.” In his composition, he asks us to “surely praise Christ” in all we do. As we praise Him, we wonder how our Creator become a human creature? As omnipotent God became powerless as a baby, this was his gift to us, the gift of Jesus. Let us…

What is Pentecost?

What is Pentecost to you? To me? Is it candles and sea breezes? Or violent winds and tonges of fire? The work of the Holy Spirit cannot be contained. God is unstoppable, and we cannot predict what he brings when he moves in our lives. The Holy Spirit comes when we least expect it, and…

Unity: The Impossible Dream?

The loss of unity started with Adam. There are many more examples throughout the Bible: Cain and Abel Moses and the people James and John Christ prayed for unity in the church. As He asks may we be perfectly one in the faith and knowledge of God’s love. P.S. Don’t forget to call your mother…

The Good Shepherd

“If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly!” The people of Jesus’ time were looking for more proof. But they already had all the proof they needed, they lacked the faith. Lord, may we have faith in our Good Shepherd, that we may believe and follow You!

Turning Enemies into Friends

Enemies are someone or something you do battle with. A person, an addiction, a behavior you fight with all the time. All sin makes us enemies with God. How can we be reconciled and put an end to hostility? Jesus gave his life for us so we may also be reconciled.

A Question of Conviction

Our Readers’ Theater for tonight looks in on Nicodemus after his evening encounter with our Lord. Let’s listen as we continue our series for the Lenten Season: Questioned for Christ. Special thanks to our cast members tonight: Rich Williams, Ed Brandmeyer, and Eric Stake.

A Question of Cost

Our Readers’ Theater for Ash Wednesday looks in on Zaccheus, Matthew, and Judas in the days prior to Holy Week. Let’s listen as Pastor Vern introduces our theme for the Lenten Season: Questioned for Christ. Special thanks to our cast members tonight: Rich Williams, Ed Brandmeyer, John Lundeby, Gus Williams, and Curtis Kuppler.