Sermons (Page 7)


Some people like surprises and some do not. We find this in the Gospels, too. St Matthew’s gospel is less surprising and more orderly. St. Mark’s gospel is different — filled with surprises, unexpected events, and twists and turns in the road. St. Mark documented a front row seat to the clash between heaven and…

God Calls Samuel

When God called to Samuel, it took a few moments before he realized Who was calling upon him. The words of the Lord from that time still hold meaning for us today – will we hear His Call? Our guest pastor this week is Rev. Timothy Scharr

What Pleases God

What pleases God? When we follow His word and follow His commandments, that is pleasing to the Lord. Our guest pastor this week is Rev. Tony Troup

Our Highest Calling is to Worship God!

On this day, may we give glory to God, as he deserves. When we worship and glorify Him, we are reminded of the importance and the blessings of worship: Worship is our response to what God has done in Christ! Worship is living out our vocation in Christ! Worship in heaven will be glorious and…