Sermons on Pentecost (Page 11)

We Are All Beggars!

No matter how we perceive beggars, we are all beggars. Martin Luther knew this, that we are alike in our need for healing and forgiveness. Jesus told us “blessed are the poor in spirit,” and we continue to be dependent on His healing and His forgiveness.

Where’s The Fire?

It was a five-Alarm fire, and nothing could put it out. The fire of Pentecost, the fire of the church God loved, has been burning for over 2,000 years. But what of today? Let’s listen to the ways the Holy Spirit come to us even now – not in fireworks but in the reassurance of…

What Waiting Feels Like

Can you imagine how the first followers of Jesus felt? After centuries of waiting, they got to experience Jesus here on earth. In the final days of the church year, we are approaching Advent, we prepare to celebrate that Baby born in a manger so many ears ago, and we wait with eagerness and anticipation…