Sermons on Easter (Page 8)

To Good To Be True?

After Easter, the apostles did great deeds. It would seem that their faith was strong as they proclaimed the Good News. But was this news of resurrection believable? Thomas did not believe–it seemed too good to true? Yes it is true! Let’s reflect on the events and the promises of God, both then and now!…

Could It Be True?

When the two women reported the news of an empty tomb, they were not believed at first. They were perplexed, and no one remembered His words. Resurrection is perplexing! Today, as we celebrate our Lord’s resurrection, let us remember what He has taught and carry His truth in our hearts each and every day!

Now What???

Reminder: call your mom today 😉 After Jesus’ Ascension, the scriptures had been fulfilled and the disciples were filled with questions, like “now what?” In the same way we can be filled with a sense of completion, accompanied by hesitation and hopefulness. Let’s not wait for a sign but get back to the work, doing…

Abiding In The Vine

Where there is a vine, there is a vinedresser. He prunes, keeping the productive vines and pruning the withered branches. We should strive to abide in the vine if we are to hear fruit and be productive for Him. Taking away those unproductive areas of our life, pruning it back and making us better. Helping…

Jesus Isn’t Done Yet!

As the shepherd comes to the sheep, Jesus, the Good Shepherd, comes to us as the Messiah. As anticipated by the prophets of old, He entered by the door, and He laid down His life for the sheep. Jesus came to shepherd His one flock and He is not done yet! He is still at…

How Did He Do It?

Ever since Peter gave the first sermon in our reading from Acts, the disciples and other believers have been sharing the Good News of Jesus. How could they do this? How could they overcome any fear? Even with numerous challenges and obstacles, they shared. But I can’t do it? It’s too hard! Or is it?…