Sermons by Pastor Vern Lintvedt (Page 20)

Senior Pastor

From Fishermen to Fishers of Men

Today’s lesson is a story of great transformation – like Abraham, David, Ruth and Mary. When Simon Peter cast his nets once more after a long and futile night of fishing – and the nets filled to bursting – so began Peter’s transformation from fisherman to a fisher of men. Jesus still calls us today,…

Authority that Delivers

Jesus came as a teacher, a rabbi. While others also taught, people were astonished at Jesus’ teaching – why? He taught with authority. While others ignored weightier matters like mercy and forgiveness, He brought people back to God’s original intent in all things. Jesus came to preach the Good News of the Kingdom of God,…


Today can be a challenging word. While it is easy to look back at what was, and look forward eagerly to what will be, today involves us on a different level. Don’t be afraid! Take comfort knowing that He will give that which is sufficient for each day – especially today…