Sermons on Matthew (Page 6)


As we near the end of the church year there are such contrasts – hope…and darkness. Join us as we examine the readings – and the story of the servants and their talents. How we use our talents today can make a huge difference. May we not be afraid to share our talents, and to…


When the bridegroom came, the door was shut. Those who were not ready were left out from the wedding feast. Are we ready for Him in our lives, or do we take Him for granted? How can we be prepared? How can we live in hope and faith for Him? May we, like those prepared…

Who We Are

When we are born, we are all labeled. Baby Boomer, The Greatest Generation, Generation “X”, Millennial, Generation “Z”, the list will go on. With this label there are preconceptions – some good, some bad. Being a child of God is a label. Join us to learn: what does this mean? and how does it affect…

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

What is a self-fulfilling prophecy? – where you predict something will happen, and then you do something to make that happen. There is a positive way – prepare and succeed. Unfortunately there is also a negative way – expect defeat, do not prepare, and be defeated. Join us as we examines scriptures where God’s people…