Sermons on Mark (Page 5)

Be On Your Guard

Following Jesus’ actions in the temple, he tells us of the destruction of the temple in the future. When will all this happen? What will be the signs? We continue to wonder when He will come back even to this day. While we wait for Him, what should we be looking for?

How Difficult Is It?

How hard was it to enter the kingdom of heaven? The ten commandments were a guide and a marker, a high bar to attain. But is this the way? Or is it impossible? Through Jesus, we are part of the Kingdom not through our works, but instead through His righteousness. Hallelujah!

Lip Service

In Jesus’ time the pharisees were quick to find fault, honoring God with their lips while their hearts were far from Him. When we honor God today, do we do this with our lips, or do we honor Him with our whole heart?

Thy Kingdom Come

It was a dark and stormy night… They were in the boat, they were scared, and their master was asleep.  When He awoke, He needed only one word to calm the storm – “Peace.” Today we are still scattered and we suffer trials and persecutions, yet we only need His peace. We need faith like…


The Spirit of Truth

As we read the Bible, we need to know what’s going on behind the scenes–spiritual warfare between God and Satan. It began when Satan tempted Adam and Eve. Later, the people and leaders of Israel lost their faith and built the golden calf. Even David fell into sin. When Satan attacked Jesus through the scribes,…