Sermons on Luke (Page 10)

Three Truths

What is Jesus saying? Is He going against what God has said? On the contrary, Jesus is sharing three hard truths with His followers. As we listen, let’s examine these truths that we must also take to heart today in order for us to take up our cross and follow Him.

Narrow Door, Wide Kingdom

Thank you for joining us for our worship in the park!  As we continue our journey through the Gospel of St Luke, we explore some of the paradoxes inherent in Jesus teachings and ministry – paradoxes that puzzle yet ultimately reassure us of God’s love for us and our place in His Kingdom. Let’s listen.

Jesus the Arsonist?

Jesus came to bring peace – but what if the people do not accept that peace? This decision faced the people in Jesus’ time, and it continues to face us today. Turn back to God or continue in sin? How do we make this decision? Ignore it, put it off, or move forward? When following…

Upon This Mountain

When Jesus cast out the demons from the man who had been possessed. The man wanted to stay with Jesus. Instead, Jesus sent the man back and told him to go and proclaim all that Jesus had done for him. May we today rejoice in His cleansing power, and may we also go out with…

Could It Be True?

When the two women reported the news of an empty tomb, they were not believed at first. They were perplexed, and no one remembered His words. Resurrection is perplexing! Today, as we celebrate our Lord’s resurrection, let us remember what He has taught and carry His truth in our hearts each and every day!