Sermons (Page 73)

imagine the unimaginable

When Jesus was teaching and healing the 5,000, they needed to eat. And Jesus fed the entire crowd from the five fish and two loaves. Unimaginable? Not for Him! How can we today help to make this happen? We need only follow His example. Lord, embolden us to minister to those in need wherever and…

Priceless Treasure

Society can make us feel less than priceless. It puts a dollar amount on each person like a point on a graph. Likewise, Satan wants us to feel worthless, but take heart! Jesus came to save us and reaffirm our worth as His priceless treasure. The three parables Jesus shared in the book of Matthew…

peace? no! but a sword!

When Jesus told his followers there would be conflict when they shared the Good News, there was a message for us as his followers today. Jesus warns us that the world will use the sword against His followers. We may have to go against the world and perhaps our very family as we follow His…