Sermons (Page 58)

Why Sing Christmas Carols?

As we conclude Advent and prepare to celebrate our Lord’s Birth in a manger so long ago, we sing carols. What is it about the Christmas carol that is so special? We hope you will join us Christmas eve at 7PM and 1130PM as we celebrate the birth of our Lord–our family at Blessed Savior…

Healing Light

In the time of Malachi, there were many misconceptions among God’s people. Many of these were caused when people expected God to adhere to their timing, rather than His timing and His plan/ They were bound to be disappointed. But as we look beyond the plans of men, we look  to the glorious promise of…

Reflected Light

When Zechariah wrote about the state of God’s people, they had fallen into an ugly and messy state. When we are in and ugly and messy state, we find ourselves feeling guilt and shame, as we struggle to hide our flaws. But God cared for his people then and now, turning them and us from…

When Jesus Comes

Tempers suddenly ignite – wars and conflict flare – our world is filled with strife. As we long for peace, how can we find this peace at Christmas? Long ago, Isaiah sought peace. His words told of a coming Savior who is Christ the Lord. What hope can we take from these words, to find…

Rising Light

Sadness. Depression. When all around us seems sad and hopeless, what are we to do? Into the sadness long ago, Isaiah brought a message of hope and light, a message of radiance and glory. When we are in the darkness, there is a light. We can arise and shine, for our light has come! Jesus…

Upon the Mountaintops

Mountains have inspired awe for thousands of years. God has done some of his most amazing work from high places. Upon a dark hill, shepherds heard a heavenly message. What did this message mean for the shepherds, what does it mean for us, and what does this mean for the darkness?

He Noticed!

When we give thanks, it sometimes becomes routine. But if we stop and think about it…and *really* give thanks…it puts things in a different perspective! In the tale of the ten men, what made the Samaritan different? He noticed! In the same way, may we take the time to stop, notice, and give thanks for…

Fire and Praise

Fear of the unknown. Fear of the end. It can grip us, as it gripped the men and women of Jesus’ time. What will change, what will we lose? They were told that God would come with fire and sword! The world would change, but what would take its place? Not one stone would be…