Sermons (Page 49)

I Am The Lord!

In this election year, do we find ourselves championing one person over another? Do we attribute God’s will to one or another of the candidates? But God doesn’t see it that way – Jesus tells us to “…render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” Help us…

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

What is a self-fulfilling prophecy? – where you predict something will happen, and then you do something to make that happen. There is a positive way – prepare and succeed. Unfortunately there is also a negative way – expect defeat, do not prepare, and be defeated. Join us as we examines scriptures where God’s people…


The first shall be last and the last shall be first. Each of the workers hired to work in the field, even those who were hired at the 11th hour received the same wages. The owner of the house was generous and shared equally with all. But as humans, they were busy comparing their wages…