Sermons by Pastor Vern Lintvedt (Page 41)

Senior Pastor

One in Christ

Walls of hostility exist across our nation and our world, and even in our families and ourselves. If conflict is a brick wall built up, each brick is a moment in time. As the small conflicts are built up the wall is created. How can we start taking those bricks down and keep them down? How…

Sufficient Grace

What makes grace sufficient? When Paul endured his trials, when he asked God to take away these thorns and they were not taken away, Paul instead found strength in those trials. Paul found God’s grace was sufficient. How can we draw strength from weakness and trials in our life today? How can we find comfort…


How could this have happened? Israel had become a slave, and God had covered the daughter of Zion with a cloud of his anger – Jerusalem was no longer worthy. It seemed that God had no mercy left. Does it feel that that today? See how the book of Lamentations opens the door to hope…

Jesus Isn’t Done Yet!

As the shepherd comes to the sheep, Jesus, the Good Shepherd, comes to us as the Messiah. As anticipated by the prophets of old, He entered by the door, and He laid down His life for the sheep. Jesus came to shepherd His one flock and He is not done yet! He is still at…


Have you ever said something, and the listener heard something completely different? Poor communication has been with us for centuries. The word ‘Fellowship’ (from the original Greek Koinonia) can be misconstrued as well. It meant gathering as friends but also to hold something in common. Thomas’ disbelief put a damper on the fellowship of the…