Sermons on Pentecost (Page 18)

No Empty Threats

As we read the 18th chapter of Matthew – we see that God has spoken of five threats. While these threats are not empty, the promises of God are promises full of hope.We can be joyful and praise God for His blessings and His promise to bring us home to Him. Our debt has been…

Who is the Greatest

Great! We have a drive to be great – to be the greatest at what we do, to be the best… But who is the greatest? When the disciples asked Jesus who was the greatest in the Kingdom, he knew, and he shared with them. Join us as we examine the parables to discover who…

Let Love Be Unmasked

“Let love be genuine” Romans 12:9 – But what does this mean? Genuine is defined as something that is real, not false. In our lives, we we many masks – masking what is underneath, masking our sinful nature and broken hearts. Let’s listen as Paul encourages to take of our masks, and interact with each…

Upon This Rock

The first century AD was a time of great confusion. About religion, about the scriptures and about God. In the midst of the confusion Jesus shares these words with Peter and the rest of the disciples:           “Upon this Rock will I build My church” Peter interpreted Jesus’ words personally – but there is a…


Everyone wants to feel loved, needed, and wanted. But what about those who feel alone and unwanted? Where is their comfort? The woman in Matthew 15 cried out to Jesus for help. She persisted, crying out even for the crumbs from the masters table. This was (and is) enough. This event can bring comfort today.…