Have you ever took a can of spray paint, and just painted over the rust? Well, it looks nice on the surface but the problem is still hidden under a deceptive layer of paint. That problem just below the surface spreads to other areas. We find ourselves living life like that — it appears that…
The promises of God are either enough for you – or they are not. Join us as our Seminarian examines the story of Abraham and Isaac – Abraham showed true faith, in spite of whatever he may have felt inside, he trusted in God and His promises. When God has seemingly done us wrong, how…
Join us at 7:00PM for our Facebook Live streaming service.
“They who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength.” Weary? Stretched thin? Weary people can be difficult people. We live with despair, but it may blind us to the opportunities around us. Isaiah reminds us that God never feels stretched too thin, He is always there for us, the strength to counter our weariness.…
Where is your heart? From the game of Monopoly to the story of Lazarus and the rich man, our seminarian Matt takes us on a journey to examine what is truly inside each of our hearts and minds.
Like Tom Hanks in Castaway, we sometimes rely on ourselves or our things instead of God. It may be tempting to rely on our “wilsons” instead of relying on God – but this pushes God aside by trusting in ourselves and not in Him. Our world will have changes but God is still the same.
Join us at 9:30AM for our Facebook Live streaming service.
Join us at 9:30AM for our Facebook Live streaming service. NOTE: While our Facebook cut out early, please check our sermons and services page – the entire message (Instruction That Frees from Frustration) will be available.
Join us at 9:30AM for our Facebook Live streaming service as we celebrate our risen Lord!