Join us as we examine the Christian influence and themes present in “The Lord Of The Rings” movie in our upcoming Friday Night Bible Study. We will take several evenings to explore the movie – this time digging into the LOTR movies not just to simply have a fun time, but to understand and see biblical themes come alive in ways we have never thought possible.
Be sure to join us on the following dates from 5:30 to 7:30PM:
- Friday, January 18th
- Friday, January 25th
- Friday, February 1st (pushed back for LHM)
- Friday, February 8th
- Monday, February 18th (makeup session)
- Monday, February 25th (makeup session)
Note: The session this Friday Feb 1st will be postponed due to Hailey being invited to appear on Lutheran Hour Ministries and play her violin!
A big Thank You to Pastor Matt and Hailey for putting the series together and ensuring good food and lively discussion are a big part of our series. See you on February 18th!