As we prepare for our Lenten season, we hope you will click in each week and listen to our weekly Lenten blog. Please click to listen…
Lent – Holy Week:
As we conclude our journey through Exodus, we reflect on God’s actions both big and small, and His forgiveness for His people then and now:
We hope you have been blessed during this Lenten journey, and we hope to see you Easter morning at 6:30 and 9:30 to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord!
Lent – Week VI:
This week, we look at how God’s commandments show His love for His people:
Lent – Week V:
Let’s look at how God cared for his people during a time Moses did not listen – even now, God met his peoples’ needs:
Lent – Week IV:
Let’s look at how God blessed his people and delivered them from trials throughout the Old Testament:
Lent – Week III:
Let’s look at how God communicated with His people throughout the time of the Old Testament:
Lent – Week II:
Let’s look at God’s people during their time of enslavement in Egypt:
Ash Wednesday:
We will be exploring the events of Exodus as they relate to setting God’s people free, both in the Old Testament times and today:
Come back each week for the latest update during our Lenten journey together! God’s peace to you and yours!