Sermons by Pastor Matthew Kusch (Page 3)

Associate Pastor

The Abiding Fruit

Jesus Christ is the true vine, and we are the branches. As we grow within the vine, we are nourished and guided as part of the vineyard. The branches of the vine provide fruit of the Spirit, fruit to be shared not only with our brothers and sisters in Christ, but also with those around…

Why Good Shepherd

There is a pasture, sheep, and a Shepherd. The Good Shepherd guards his flock, even giving up His life for His sheep. He had every right to abandon us, as we have wandered and strayed, yet He remains true to us even now. We as sheep have struggled, and we will continue to struggle –…

Peace Be With You

The Peace that passes all understanding was won by our Lord for His disciples, and for all of God’s people… including us. Thanks be to God! What does His Peace mean for us today? How can we reach out, open our hearts, and obtain this Peace – the Peace of God? Let’s listen.